Kundalini Yoga

by Frederick Lenz, Rama

It’s 5:15 in the afternoon. I’m on the top of the world, 10,000 feet in Hawaii, on top of the Haleakala volcano. The clouds have filled in all around it. I’m just above the cloud line, somewhere near the House of the Sun. Strange and unusual rocks are all around me — lava rocks, filled with power and energy. The shadows are forming. The sun is dropping quickly over the horizon. As far as I can see are seas and oceans of cloud shapes and forms. Most of the island is obscured today, the lower island, by the clouds.

It’s the first day of August in 1985, and I’m somewhere here in the middle of eternity. I’d like to talk to you today about kundalini yoga, the yoga of power and energy. The volcano is the symbol of power. This particular volcano is dormant at the moment — it’s still. But within its depths the lava sits waiting, the power of the earth. And in a moment, lava will shoot forward, rise up through the lava tubes to the top of the volcano and erupt — the power within us that’s dormant and the power of the universe that sits there waiting. Something happens — something triggers it — it goes off. And it rises — it rises up the sushumna, the spinal astral tube. It gradually moves up through the chakras, and it reaches the thousand-petaled lotus of light at the top — enlightenment, satori, states of attention, perfection…


All quotes are reprinted or included here with permission from The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism