Electronic Tribe

by Frederick Lenz, Rama

This is Rama. I’m talking to you from the twentieth century. I’m on the island of Nantucket. It’s around 3:30 in the afternoon on the 29th of May, 1985. Nantucket is an island off the coast of Massachusetts, along the Eastern Seaboard of what they call North America.

I’m pulled off by the side of the road at a place of power. Cars are pulling back and forth, driving, stopping  — a lot of tourists sight-seeing. I’m sitting here in the Porsche, thinking about the future, which occurred a long, long time ago, long before any of us can remember. It’s windy out — the winds of time are blowing, the winds of change. Chaos is everywhere, and chaos is wonderful. That’s all there really is. There is no today. There is no tomorrow. There is only eternity, perfection, consciousness, power — and light.


All quotes are reprinted or included here with permission from The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism